Thursday, September 15, 2011

Six Trout - Black Boobie

Today was the perfect day to fish. I was up at 5.00am and had all my urgent work done by 9am.

Sun was shining and the water was like a mirror, perfect for me! (I know a little ripple is supposed to be better but I like it like this). I take a boat and start on the Gold Buzzer that I had so much success with last week, I did get a little knock but no takes. Graham is there - its great to see him again and he's already caught 5 trout! He had fish swilling all around him, you wouldn't believe it, luckily he invites me over and we both fish at the shoal of around 30 trout. I still get nothing and he gets his last one to make six.

I switch to a small Black Boobie and hope for the best. I've never fished with one of these before and luckily I bought one on Wednesday. They have polystyrene eyes and float on the surface, so when you retrieve them they make a small wake behind them and the fish just LOVED it. Five fish later and my heart is pounding out of my chest. Can I catch six! This will be my PB and make my day! I cannot describe to you how excited I was. I decide to donate my 5 to Graham and row back to the jetty to hand them over.

Now it's 12am, its hot and I'm hungry and thirsty. Just a quick little half hour more and see if I can get the sixth trout! Before I go, I meet Mr Six Fish (he catches 6 every time he comes to the lake and I've wanted to meet him for months. What a nice chap and very helpful with tips - he fishes from the bank and hides behind bushes for camouflage). I push off from the jetty, see a fish rising and cast just beyond it, bang! It's on and I have number six!!! I'm so lucky and grateful to have this fantastic lake on my doorstep - its totally changed my life for the better..........

PS: Mr Red Cap Old Guy has been missing for months, he turns up as I'm leaving and tells me he had a heart attack in June and this is his first time back. I really thought he had died, I missed seeing him as he ties his own flies and is very interesting.

1 comment:

  1. Well done G! I think you took them all - I had no luck in the afternoon, but then, I didn't have a booby to play with.

    your admiring mother-in-law.
