Friday, July 29, 2011

No Trout but a Red deer for my Mother-in-Law

Just got back from fishing from 2.00 to 5.30.  Absolutely no luck!

I went to the far end to start with, as you suggested, but the fish must have moved because there was no sign of them.  After about an hour I moved down to the far side of the island.  No luck.  Then moved to quite close and right of the island and the pier.  There were plenty of leaping fish – but none wanted my varied choices of flies.  I followed a tip from Bill who gave me a floating sedge; he said it was a definite catcher, and if that didn’t work to use a dropper of a buzzer as well as the sedge.  I did both – and not a sausage!  So you see, everybody has their own suggestions, but they don’t all work all of the time!

There was no sign of anyone else at the lake until I was just leaving, when two cars arrived (5.30-ish).

While I was at the far end of the lake in the boat, I saw a red deer on the path moving toward the gate.  When it got that far, it started to pace back and forward as if it felt trapped.  I then lost sight of it.  Also, I am probably well and truly burned on my face in spite of my hat.  It was a stunning afternoon.

Hope you enjoy your brown trout.  What a catch!