Sunday, July 31, 2011

Fishing with Ben - 4 fish - my new good luck charm!

Decided to take Ben fishing today. It's 8am and we are ready to tackle the lake, its calm and a warm stunning morning.

We decide to take a boat for a while and see what happens. This is only Ben's third Trout fishing trip and I'm really hoping that he'll catch something. First we try the south side of the lake, he's got a damsel nymph on his rod and I've got a CDC Buzzer. Nothing, quiet, no action.

We move to the centre of the lake just past the island, the fish are jumping and swirling but no takes, we're on dry flies now. Ben is really casting well and it seems his determination as an athlete has helped him visualise his cast technique. Graham rows over and has also caught nothing, he also comments on Ben's great casting. Then.... right in front of us Graham hooks a fish!! I couldn't believe it and this makes me even more determined to catch. Graham moves away and Ben suggests we move the 20m or so to where he was fishing.  I put on a small (tiny) dry brown thing  - so does Ben. I've got one!! Just shows that if they don't take it in the first few minutes they are not going to take it at all. And another, then Ben gets one, I get another and loose yet another. That's 4 fish in 30 minutes! Amazing, I cant tell you how happy we were, right place, right time. All on that tiny little brown thing!!