Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Three Trout with Buzzer Ben

Sunday lunch time. Ben and I are off for a quick fish before our trout BBQ (we love trout fishing in Cambridge during calm summer days). The lake is like a millpond and we decide to take the big green boat. We see some fish swilling near the surface in the middle of the lake so we get within 10 metres of them and put the anchor down.

Ben starts with a lure and I start with a tiny size 16 nymph, nothing. Then dry flies, different coloured and sized lures, nymphs and damsel fly dries. We are casting right over and just beyond the swirling fish and retrieving the line through their midst - nothing.

Ben decides to put on an epoxy Buzzer, with red highlights - as always when you've got the right fly he has a take right away! Missed, and a few more times too, then finally he has a fish on the line and lands a beautiful 2lb Rainbow Trout. I put on a Gold tinted epoxy Buzzer and I've got on too. We are retrieving them just below the surface and the fish seem to love it. I land up with one more and we decide to call it a day. Ben's wrist is sore and I don't want to catch my weeks quota in one day. We could easily have caught 3 more trout but it was almost too easy..