Thursday, June 2, 2011

Dry Fly Day

Today it was suggested that I try a dry fly for the first time. The trout were swarming at the surface to eat the thousands of Damsel Flies that were either on or just above the surface.

I, as usual, sucked the knowledge from the brain of a long-time member, got him to show me a suitable fly and went out on the boat. To keep the fly from sinking I added some floatation liquid to the feathers and this worked well. The trout took the fly in 5 minutes and I then proceeded to loose two, I struck too early and pulled the fly out of the month of the poor fish. I was later told that I should watch the trout take the fly, count to 2 and then strike. I can see how this would work better.

It was so exciting and for the first time I could actually see them swilling around the fly and pop their heads out the water to take a look. Again my heart was pounding and excitement growing as I hoped for a feeding frenzy. At one point I had a take, struck, lost it, threw the fly back in, it took it again, struck too early and then broke my line by being too enthusiastic. Oh well, you live and learn!

My Trout fishing frenzy

During the last week of May, I experienced a feeding frenzy for the first time in my life. I used a fly suggested by a member and it was a Damsel Nymph. (I had never heard of this and went out an bought one immediately)
I cast this fly and within two minutes a fish had taken it, I continued to catch 4 fish in 30 minutes and had I not reached my limit that day I could have caught 4 more. It was amazing and I could feel my heart pumping and excitement building as the fish swarmed around the fly.

May Trout Fishing

Well, May turned out  to be more challenging than April. (one long time member commented that the fish would take a brick if I threw it in the water in April). I had to start to understand what the trout wanted to eat and when. It was interesting to talk to different members who all had opinions on what to fish.

April Flies

April was my first month of membership and I had a lot to learn about the art of trout fishing and fly fishing. I have fished for trout in the past in South Africa, but this was a new situation that needed new knowledge.

Many members have been extremely generous with their knowledge and shared with me some techniques and flies to use.

Here are some that worked in April for me.