Thursday, July 28, 2011

Brown Trout - my first!!!

I just couldn't resist a trip to the lake today. Its calm and cloudy - perfect for me to catch!

I took a boat right up to the far corner of the lake - no mean feat in itself I have to say. Lots of fish were jumping and taking insects from the surface. The two people who had just fished before me both caught a small black dry flies. I asked myself why would this be the case when once again there are so many damsel flies around. Counter the advice I decide to start with a damsel - the same as I had used earlier in the week. I wish I new why, but they just don't like my damsels!! Last visit was a fluke...

The water is flat and clear - I can see the damn things swimming straight past my fly, I try two more different damsels - nothing not even a sniff. OK, time for the small black dry fly recommended earlier. As always, in a few minutes I have a fish, it really is fighting and at first swims directly for the boat. I couldn't pull in the line fast enough! Oh no I dont want to loose it, I recover the situation and after a few minutes manage to land the beautiful thing. It was my first Brown trout and at 2.2lb is pretty big. Its so stunning with its spots and square dorsal fin. I was always afraid that I wouldn't recognise if I had  one or not - but there is no mistaking this - its definitely a Brown trout. So easy to make me happy!! I'm told they taste better than Rainbow trout too -so you know what we're eating tonight.

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