Saturday, June 11, 2011

On Saturdays I Do It Twice

6am I'm awake, may as well fish.

Coffee, shit, car, lake - my needs are simple. Graham is there already, he's caught nothing since dawn. I have to catch, he's a pro and I want to impress. Boat to the nearest buoy, having learned my lesson I put on Fantastic Green Thing - everyone at the moment is insisting that dry flies are the only thing working. I know better!

In ten minutes I have a fish! ! I'm a god! Right in front of his nose, I even shouted over ' look graham, I've got one' - I'm such a bitch!

By ten I'm done, give Graham the 2.4lb monster and go home.

2.30pm Laura watching tennis, I think I'll fish. Now Mr friend/enemy is there - whenever I arrive, he's there with his son and ALWAYS got a fish on the line. (actually he's always nice and friendly, the enemy bit is I my head! ). He's on the bank by the clubhouse, I'm on a boat on the orange buoy. On goes Fantastic Green Thing, in 5 minutes I've got a fish, again right in front of him! I love it, so happy, happy, happy. God, I'm a child!

One interesting thing, on my way out chatted to mr bmw 5 series, he's been catching on a dry fly daddy long legs the last 2 times and caught 2 each time. Shows me the fly on his rod so I know he's not bullshitting me. Must try next time.

PS. Graham shouted over to me this morning, ' you have the most beautiful casting style Grant' - made my day, I'm slowly learning..

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