Friday, June 3, 2011

Freaky Friday with Mother-in-Law

At the crack of dawn my mother-in-law and myself decided to do a joint fishing trip. Armed with a few new flies and the cool morning breeze to assist us in casting -we took a two man boat and moored ourselves to a buoy.

We first tried with a dry fly to see if the trout were taking from the surface, but I think it was too early in the morning. I should have known as there were no damsel flies to be seen anywhere.

After around half an hour of no action we decided to put on a long green thing that I hoped looked like a hatching damsel fly nymph. Instantly we both got big takes and landed two fish.... Joy of joy, now we have the one under our belts we can relax and enjoy the fishing. (As soon as I catch one, I'm happy to chill and enjoy the scenery).

Now we carried on fishing for another hour and no more bites!! Damn! By this time we could see the Damsel flies hovering above the surface so it was back to the trusty old dry fly. It was my day, I landed a 2lb fish straight off the surface.. So happy!!!

After 4 hours and way too much sun with no protection at all, we called it a day and went back to the jetty. M-i-L saw fish literally swarming around our feet, so we threw in our lines again, I got a take and lost one, but generally they swam right by the flies, turned up their nose and carried on their merry way. Why?? I cannot work out why a fly will work once or twice and then be useless.

It was a fantastic, exciting 5 hours and a great way to end the week.. and how fortunate I am to have a M-i-L that fishes with me..

1 comment:

  1. Enjoying the blog......I could feel and smell the morning breeze as I read.
